
Your confirmationrenewal documents

Please take time to read them and make sure everything is correct. If you notice something isn't quite right or any of your details have changed, please get in touch {{xmp.r.FromMailbox}}.

Click on the document to view, save, email or print them.

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You will find your membership card in the MDU app and you can add this to Apple Wallet or Google Pay. You can also download a proof of membership.

If you don’t have our app yet, you can get this from the App Store or Google Play.

Download on the Apple App Store    Get it on Google Play

You will find your membership card in the DDU app and you can add this to Apple Wallet or Google Pay. You can also download a proof of membership.

If you don’t have our app yet, you can get this from the App Store or Google Play.

Download on the Apple App Store    Get it on Google Play


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